Quality Care & Convenience For Our Patients Plains Medical Clinic telemedicine gives patients access to expert medical care without the need to travel into our clinic. Call 701-499-4800 or visit to schedule your telemedicine appointment today.

Quality Care & Convenience For Our Patients

Plains Medical Clinic patients can now get quality care no matter where they are. We also recognize that during this social distancing time caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) it may be more comforting and convenient for our patients to continue their individualized healthcare visits from their own homes.

Through telemedicine, Plains Medical Clinic doctors and professional healthcare providers are able to connect one-on-one through interactive video consultations, patient monitoring appointments, as well as chronic treatment follow-ups.

Plains Medical Clinic telemedicine gives patients access to expert medical care without the need to travel into our clinic.

Call 701-499-4800 or visit to schedule your telemedicine appointment today.
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